Rose Blakeley
Book. Published in 2008 by Attitude Publishing.
Written and illustrated by Rose Blakeley.
A Pathway through the Seasons
I loved those big, glossy picture books as a child, so when I wrote A Pathway through the Seasons I wanted the experience of reading the book to feel like a special treat. I imagined it could be taken to a big, sunny window seat, or a garden full of summer flowers, where the reader could sit and be lost in an enchanting journey as the year slowly turns inside its magical and colourful pages.
My enthusiasm for the annual cycle is openly expressed in this anthology of twenty, descriptive poems, which I have illustrated in brilliance and also in black/white. The pathway will lead you gently through each season whilst introducing you to some of its many associated customs, history and folklore whilst surrounding you with an array of leaves, flowers and many aspects of rural life.
This book is dedicated to my parents John and Dr. Pamela Kendall.
The crown of the year is here once more!
The tinhorn was blown at dawn,
For blown it was at the farmhouse door
As to the fields the reapers did go.
Worked they all day till the sun did wane,
Then the sickles were thrown in as one,
To sever the very last of that which did remain
So the ‘corn spirit’ could blame no one man.
After ‘crying the neck’ and with the last of the stalk,
The dolly of gold then was crafted,
Amongst flowers and leaf, home-bound now they walk,
All now walk with her long ribbons a-flowing.
Alight now are the home fires bright,
Whilst garlands hang high and hang low,
To the supper of the harvest, they come now this night,
To the harvest they all gaily come.
For slain is the fattened farmyard beast,
The hare hunted and the bird of game,
And brought to the great barn for the fabulous feast,
With warm bread and fresh fruit puddings.
Jigs and reels, lively the fiddler will play
Amidst toasting with ale and cider,
And dance, dance will they, till the early light of day,
Till the gilded sun will awaken.
But when the feasting is all done
And have faded the home fires bright,
When all the songs from flushed faces are sung
And the flagons are empty and dry,
On a special chair then, the dolly shall lay,
Once given her final plait,
And to the parlour carried where she will stay
As guardian of the next harvest…
The crown of the year was here once more!
The tinhorn was blown at dawn,
For blown it was at the farmhouse door
As to the fields the reapers did go.
Harvest Home
From A Pathway through the Seasons

"To say I like your book is a huge understatement. It is a real gem; both words and artwork are superb - and to have a personally signed copy makes it something more than a bit special."
Max Fletcher (Photographer, Rousay, Orkney)
“The book is a first edition glossy hardback and its appearance is comfortingly reminiscent of the large format fairytale books of childhood that some of us literally read to pieces. It is definitely a book that will appeal to readers of all ages bringing memories flooding back to some and inspiring others to seek out the traditions, wildlife and folklore that surround us all. A great bedtime read for adult and child alike." Chris Walton (The Company of the Green Man)
“A Pathway through the Seasons is a beautiful, inspired publication. A poetic artistic treat - nourishing the heart, eye and mind.” Chris Leslie (Fairport Convention, Feast of Fiddles)
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